Media Pulse:
our Analytics
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December brought a storm of streaming surprises, where festive cheer faced off against unexpected contenders and bold moves dominated the digital...

Our platform:
Built in partnership
with Streamers,
Studios and Broadcasters

our journey
and what makes us

Which Titles and Apps are under or over-performing relative to their space?

Searching for content
Looper Insights Vizibility

Your VoD App or Titles are distributed across multiple Digital Storefronts and Connected TV devices

Connected Devices
only 5% of content is seen by users
What should account managers do?
Ensuring Compliance
Netflix UI on Laptop


Ensuring that your content is on the shelf

with the correct metadata, pricing and

artwork assigned means that viewers will be

able to find, stream, download or watch your

titles with ease.

Over 800 new films released each year
What should operations teams do?
Understand placement value
Smart TV UI

To maximize your on-store presence you need to be able to understand which strategies should be employed to increase ROI.


Film Studios Spend $35 million per title on distribution and promotion
What should marketing teams do?
Looper Insights’ clients have collectively over 500m users worldwide

We’re currently tracking 18 devices and 15 territories, so your App and Title

placement doesn’t need to remain a mystery…

Click here to get started